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Monday 24 June 2002

What is a good life like?

Knowing where to look.

(2 Corinthians 6:1-2 from the Bible in Basic English) We then, working together with God, make our request to you not to take the grace of God to no purpose. (For he says, I have given ear to you at a good time, and I have been your helper in a day of salvation: see, now is the good time; now is the day of salvation):

That says we are together with God.  That is my experience.

I saw a sign on a local church that said:  Look up, because God is looking down.  That is one way to make God appear away and distant.

I would say:  Look out, because God is looking out with you.

I would say:  Look within, because you can find God behind all that stuff.

I would say:  Look up within, because you can find the rest of your stuff between you and God.

Tuesday 25 June 2002

What is a good life like?

Growing Unconditional Love

What is it that is unlimited, that we can give?  Unconditional Loving.

What is it that is limited, that we can give?  Everything Else.

What flows, without energy?  Unconditional Love.

What takes energy, to flow?  Everything Else.

What has a price of admission?  Everything, but real loving, unconditional loving.  There is no price in the loving space.  There, it is priceless.

Wednesday 26 June 2002

What is a good life like?

Learning to have empathy for everyone.

There is a saying:  "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

This truth, is very helpful in forgiving others, and having empathy for them.

If I was given the situation, body, mind, and spirit of another, I could do no better than they are doing, and be no better than they are being.  If I had their genetics, their baggage, their people in their lives, I could do no better.  If I had the same givens, I would have the same results.

It is only our ego, that tells us that we could do differently, and be different.  It is only our ego, that says "They should ...".   That is a clever lie.  That is where we let our ego, lie to us.

What we can do better today, is listen to the truths of our lord most high within us.  Or we can choose to do worse, and listen to the lies of our ego.  That is a choice we all have.  So we can choose, to get better.  Others can choose to get better.  This is only when we are ready to get better and when they are ready to get better.  When we choose to listen to our ego, and condemn others, we all get worse.  When we choose to get better, we can help everyone else get better, when we choose to listen, to our lord most high within.

Thursday 27 June 2002

What is a good life like?

Finding Humor in What is Going On.

Yesterday in the news, some judges in California decided, 2 to 1, to take the phrase "Under God" out of our pledge of allegiance.  That phrase Under God, comes just before "With Liberty and Justice for All."  That news also said that our Supreme Court is unlikely to uphold their decision.

I said our pledge of allegiance in California without "Under God" until 1954, and said it with "Under God" after 1954, with no discernible difference to me until 1982.  That was because, I did not know whether God existed or not, and if God existed, I did not know what God was like.  Now that I know God exists and definitely has a sense of humor, and this news is only humorous to me also.  

The "With Liberty and Justice for All." was more meaningful to me and still is.  I began to know God, as I began to not just believe in God, but to begin to know God.  God and I are not concerned with what some politicians tell us to do.  One could ask, how can you have Liberty, much less your Pursuit of Happiness, when a group of publicly pious politicians tell you, that you must include God in your pledge of allegiance.  There is no meaning in being forced to bow to any God or politician playing God or a church during an inquisition.  Those that say Lord, Lord, may not know anything about their Lord most High Within.

When judges and publicly pious politicians and we really begin to think about the effect of putting "Under God" in our pledge of allegiance, we will begin to realize, that it can do no harm, except to those that think it is helping establish their religion.  For those that think that this phrase helps establish their religion, they will continue to be deluded.  For those that disagree with having this phrase, they will become stronger in their defiance of our publicly pious politicians.  Just like the followers of God that defied the state supported religion of Communism.  Just like the Arabs that are going to want to defy a president foolish enough to tell them who not to choose for their leaders.  Those are just some of the jokes going on.

Friday 27 June 2002

What is the good life like?

Seeing everyone as hiding the lord most high.

Everyone has our lord most high within them.  JC expressed this, as being in the least of us.  

Since, He is in the least of us, that means he also in the most of us, like all of our spiritual teachers from the past and the present.

We are all connected through our lord most high within.  JC expressed this as what ever we do to others, we are doing to Him.

What would happen if more of us just "got" this.

When we really get this, we will choose to love all, as they are.  Sometimes, it takes soft love and sometimes it takes tough love.  It always take remembering that we are doing what we are doing, to a prince or princess of the kingdom of God, that may not have yet been awakened by the kiss of true love.  That by definition is also true of us also.


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Directory of Directories & Lists

     I am continuing a Directory of Directories.  Please tell me your favorites.


     I am starting a page on leadership.  My first link is to some articles by

Steven Covey.  His book is in my recommended books library.

When you would like a free monthly newsletter with coach's hints on a single subject, click RBD's Free Monthly Newsletter Registration Form.

A daily hint has published each day since June 1996.  This is past my fifth year anniversary, since starting my web pages.  I started my daily page, because it is useful for me to look for some recovery tip or secret each day for my spiritual growth. we and I only need one secret to work on and let it work on us each day.  They are secrets because they are usually the opposite of what the majority of society teaches.  They must be secret because they are not commonly used.  A friend of mine once said "Common Sense is not much in Common.".  Now that I have grandchildren I am also writing for them.  I would have really liked for my grandparents and my parents to have passed on more of what they learned.  

What is happening now?

     I now have completed my second copy of my CDROM, full of free programs, for my college class.  I am sending my current version, to anyone that sends me $5.  Or, you could get your copy of my CDROM disk for free by signing up at, where they may give you $5 in addition to sending $5 to me. If gives me $5 for refering you, that would be fine, but they are reducing their incentive to refer people.  I like both of these programs and wish them well.  When I get my $5 as long as these programs are alive, I will send you a copy of my free programs collection CDROM.  When you live outside the USA you could send the extra postage.  Things are changing in our Internet get paid world.  These bonuses are at risk. has disappeared.   

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