How do Kids do it?

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The question contains part of the answer.  The "Versus" is the thought that causes the challenge.  There is a thought that men or women "should" be different than they are.  Those that chose this thought trigger themselves to have corrosive anger.  Their corrosive anger then produces a lot of "them" versus "us".  The solution to the challenge is still the same.  Learn to accept how things are and work to change what you can change.  You can change yourself by the skills listed in the chapter on changing.  When you change you are more of an influence on others.  Do you have a better way that works?  If you do, do that and write me!


The question contains part of the answer.  The "Versus" is the thought that causes the challenge. There is a thought that group 1 or group 2 "should" be different than they are.  Those that choose this thought trigger themselves to have corrosive anger.  Their corrosive anger then produces a lot of "them" versus "us".  The solution to the challenge is still the same.  Learn to accept how things are and work to change what you can change.  You can change yourself by the skills listed in the chapter on changing.  When you change you are more of an influence on others.  Do you have a better way that works?  If you do, do that and write me!  How can you lead your group until you have experienced a better way yourself?


What do you really want?  Do you really want to improve your life and all your relationships?  Do you really want better relationships with your friends, family, "them", and your Higher Power?  When you really do, you will start to take your new steps to these improvements.  You will start to use the information in this electronic booklet to your advancement and advantage.  You can be assured that those around will become grateful in the long run.  They certainly were and are around me.  I know this process works from my own continuing experiences.  This is just the beginning of our adventures to a better life and a better way.  What about you?  What do you really want?